Medical clinic MUDr.Maňáska

Welcome to our general practitioner for adults. Our office is equipped with latest technology medical equipment needed for a comprehensive medical examination. We find attested doctor with a long experience in the field. Health is important and we take care of it, make it your not suffering. Our clients are ready to provide standard quality medical and preventive care practitioner and now also paid extra care and services not covered by health insurance.



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Zdravotní pojišťovny

05/11/2011 00:02

Důležité odkazy

04/11/2011 20:16

Napište nám!

04/11/2011 19:02
Líbilo se Vám u nás, nebo máte naopak připomínky k našim službám? Neváhejte a napište nám. Vaše...

Vítejte na našem novém webu

04/11/2011 19:01
Spustili jsme novou internetovou prezentaci, na které najdete kromě obvyklého výčtu služeb i...